Get your Cert in a week?

Is it really reasonable in the long run to cling on to the way education as a product is bundled right now? Or, is it more reasonable to start separating education from exam? Is it even already on its way?

Once upon a time, it was natural that the person who taught was the one who also examined. Going way back in history; who else but for example the professor him/herself could even know if you mastered the subject taught by that particular professor? Who else, but that professor, could even teach it?

But that is no longer the case today. We already know; It is difficult as a single professor to beat the entire internet. The so called knowledge monopoly that once existed in the world no longer exists.

This leads to the perfectly reasonable question: can educational actors continue to both carry out the education and examine, at the same time?

The driving schools are a good example that illustrates the difficulty. It is no coincidence that those who want to get a driver’s license go to one actor to learn to drive, then to another actor, often an authority, to show that they can actually drive a car, and then get the license.

How would the world of today look if driving schools also was given the right to provide driving licenses? How would it look if the authorities that right now provides the license also would provide the learning part?

Company Peoplecert is an interesting example in this regard. Already considered a Unicorn. They only provide the examination part itself, so they do not carry out any training themselves at all. It´s a pretty fast service.

How many more phenomena of this kind will we gradually see?

When will they start to climb into the universities’ domain?

“If you want, you can get a Master’s in Computer Science from us, it only takes a week when we test your skills, how you then learned, we don’t care – if you know it, you know it.”

That’s roughly how it can happen.

And what then happens to the old, well-established, education players?

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